Foundation 2 (Reception)
Welcome to Foundation 2
Dream Big, Aim High
Caring Creative Confident
A very warm welcome to Foundation 2 (Reception)
The following pages will hopefully provide you with as much information as possible. However, if you ever have any problems, concerns or questions, please see a member of the Foundation 2 staff at the beginning or end of the day, or by phoning the school office.
We are looking forward to a brilliant year in Foundation 2!
F2 Expectations
In F2 we have high expectations of all our children:
- All children should be on time to school and come everyday with their book bag, books and reading diary.
- School starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm
- Reading - At least four times a week, starting with parents/carers reading to the child and discussing the book until the child is ready for phonics reading books.
- Harder to read and spell words (HRSW)- Each child will be sent home with a set of HRSWs words to practice at home.
- PE - Children will come to school in their kit on their day for PE. We have strict rules on kits. It is a white t-shirt and black shorts, leggings or joggers. Children need trainers for outdoor sessions, plimsolls are not necessary.
- Uniform is a non-negotiable at Butler's Hill. This consists of white shirts/polo shirts, black or grey trousers, shorts, skirts or dresses, red checked summer dresses and a red cardigan or jumper. Items with the school logo can be ordered from Hucknall Sports. ALL UNIFORM SHOULD BE LABELLED WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME.
- Water bottle can be brought into school. Water only please.
Meet the staff...
Mrs Elkington- EYFS lead and Parks Teacher Weds-Fri
Hi, I am Mrs Elkington, the class teacher for Parks class alongside Miss Mee. I work on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I am also EYFS Lead, English Lead, Foundation 2 Lead and a School Governor. I have worked at Butler's Hill since 2004 and have taught in all year groups. I absolutely love working in Foundation 2. I really enjoy teaching you all new things and learning through play, we have so much fun. In my spare time I love spending time with my family, going for walks and reading magazines. I also love to read books. My favourite children's book is 'Would You Rather?' by John Burnigham. There lots of choices in this book that make me laugh!
Miss Mee - Parks Teacher Mon-Tue
Hello, I am Miss Mee, one of the class teachers in Parks class. I work Monday’s and Tuesday’s sharing a class with Mrs Elkington. I am also the computing lead at Butler’s Hill. I have worked at Butler’s Hill since 2014 where I spent 5 years in Foundation 1 and 5 years in Foundation 2. My heart and passion is really in the Early Years, I believe it is the fundamental stage where children become creative, curious, independent learners, within a safe, stimulating and supportive environment, they first develop their love for learning. When I am not at school, I love to spend time with my little girl. We love to bake, go for walks and splash in puddles! One of our favourite things to do is share and read books! We love the book ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ by Julia Donaldson. The characters are funny and there are lots of rhyming words. I am looking forward to sharing it with you soon.
Miss Carrington- Einstein Class Teacher
Hi, I am Miss Carrington, the class teacher for Einstein Class. I am also the Science Lead. I have worked at Butler's Hill since 2017 and have been in the Foundation Stage the whole time. I absolutely love working in Foundation 2. I love watching you learn, grow and develop by learning through play and having fun. In my spare time I love spending time with my nephew and watching him learn. I also love doing Taekwondo. My favourite children's book is 'Oi Frog' by Kes Gray because it has lots of rhyming words and makes me laugh. I can't wait to share it with you!