At Butler’s Hill our aim is to give all children the opportunity to play a musical instrument and sing, as well as the experience of performing.
Children have opportunity to perform in the Harvest festival (All years groups), the Christmas production (Year 1) The Easter Bonnet production (F2) and the Leaver’s Service (Year 2). Other opportunities for the children to perform to the rest of the school are given throughout the year. Video recordings are made so that children can regularly evaluate their own performance.
Children are invited to attend music clubs such as ‘Boomwhackers’ Year 1, ‘Ocarinas’ Year 2 and Choir Year 2. These music clubs perform in a Music Concert for parents and the rest of school.
Our school uses Charanga Musical School as a scheme to support staff to deliver Music lessons of 30 minutes. Each lesson begins with an opportunity to listen and respond to a piece of music, followed by some warm-up games. Each termly unit gives opportunity for children to sing, play instruments, improvise, compose, and perform.
Children will learn to play Glockenspiels in F2 and Year 1 and progress towards playing recorders in Year 2. School uses a wide range of tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments.
F1 uses songs and activities suggested by Charanga but adapts these to fit their own Early Years Curriculum. This is enhanced by the use of song, throughout their daily routine and opportunities to explore the use of tuned and untuned percussive instruments.
Questions are differentiated to support and extend all learners and children with SEND are supported by familiar TAs. Additional opportunities for these children to physically express themselves are given as appropriate. (ribbons and instruments).
Children with complex special needs, have their own music sessions delivered in a way appropriate to their learning needs.
Music skills and concepts are revisited many times throughout the year in different contexts and through different topics.
In F1 and F2 children are taught to use Music vocabulary such as song, music, instruments, actions, loud and soft, fast and slow, rhythm.
In Year 1 and 2 children are taught to use vocabulary such as dynamic, tempo, pitch (high/low) rhythm and beat.
Children are assessed at the end of each unit. Children who are below age related expectations are recorded.
Charanga Musical School scheme, follows the National Curriculum and is a supportive resource for staff and pupils.
Opportunities for all children to learn to play an instrument, or sing in the choir, ensure that children can extend their Music learning further.
Opportunities to perform in school or in the local community, build self-esteem and a sense of belonging in the community.
Children enjoy music lessons in school and particularly say that they enjoy playing instruments and performing.