What does Maths mean to us at Butler's Hill?
Mathematics teaches us how to make sense of the world around us through developing a child’s ability to calculate, to reason and to solve problems. It enables children to understand and appreciate relationships and pattern in both number and space in their everyday lives.
Through our mathematics lessons at Butler's it is our aim to develop:
- Enjoyment and enthusiasm for mathematics and an awareness of the fascination of mathematics.
- Confidence and fluency in mathematical knowledge, concepts and skills.
- An ability to use and apply mathematics across the curriculum and in real life.
- An ability to solve problems, by applying their skills to a variety of routine and non-routine problems. To reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately.
- An ability to reason mathematically and explain relationships using mathematical language.
- An understanding of mathematics through a process of enquiry and experiment.
- Initiative and an ability to work both independently and in cooperation with others.
Teaching and learning style
The school uses a variety of teaching and learning styles in mathematics lessons. Our principal aim is to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding in mathematics. We do this through a daily mathematics lesson where children are given opportunities for:
- Practical activities and mathematical games
- Problem solving
- Open and closed tasks
- Individual, group and whole class discussions and activities
- A range of methods of calculating e.g. concrete, practical and abstract.
- Using a wide range of support resources e.g. number squares, digit cards and number lines, part whole, ten frames, reknereks
- Using and applying their learning in everyday situation
Milo's Money is a teaching resource we use at Butler's Hill to teach the Year 2 about the value of money in a real life context. We learn about needs and wants, saving and spending and how money makes us feel.
Year 2 Money Morning!

TTRockstars Day January 2025!

EYFS Maths

Key Stage One Mathematics

Lighthouse Classroom Mathematics

Lighthouse maths Fun!


Maths at Butler's Hill Governor & Parent/Carer presentation
Butler's Hill Progression Documents
We have worked closely with Broomhill Juniors to create progression documents in the four core areas of Maths. These are our 'Policy' and commitment to the children. These show you where our children begin in EYFS and where they leave us in Year 6 at the Juniors. All staff within school use the documents to ensure progression and consistency across both schools.
Supporting Maths at Home Websites
Maths Knowledge organisers
Please take a look at our unit organisers for Maths. They show how we teach each unit. We use these with the children to help them 'know more & remember more'. They use them during school time to help them during 'independent learning time'. Please feel free to use them with your children to help with homework too.
Yea1 1 Maths Knowledge Organisers
Year 2 Maths Knowledge Organisers
Parent Support Booklets
At Butler's Hill we understand that maths have changed over the years and the way we teach it in school now, may not be how you as a child learnt when you were young. These parental support booklets are to help you understand how your child is taught Maths in school. It may help you when you are completing homework with your child too. Please feel free to contact Mrs Siddons (Maths Lead) or your class teacher for more help and support if needed. We are happy to help.