School Uniform
We like children to wear our school colours, which are bright red, grey and white. Suitable items can be purchased at very reasonable prices from local supermarkets. However, clothing with the school logo is also available from Hucknall Sports.
Please see the link below to their website:
Alternatively, you can call them on (0115) 952 1122 or email on hucknallsports@btconnect.com
Pre loved or second -hand uniform can be collected from the school office, subject to size and availability.
Children should bring a coat to school for playtimes and in the summer we encourage children to wear sun hats.
School PE kit
Children require black shorts, jogging bottoms, leggings and a white t-shirt for PE. Plimsolls are wore when PE takes place in the school hall and trainers can be wore outside in the Summer months.
Children should not wear jewellery in school and we cannot accept responsibility for any items brought into school. One pair of stud earrings is acceptable. All jewellery must be removed for PE for safety reasons.