At Butler’s Hill we want our pupils to be fit and healthy pupils who are motivated to lead active lifestyles. We strive to provide a curriculum which inspires an generation who can demonstrate the values of respect, fairness and co-operation. Our P.E provision ensures that pupils have access to well-structured lessons which are active, progressive and build up skills and knowledge from the Early Years to Year 2. We hope to give every child the opportunity to develop the fundamental skills necessary to access and enjoy a range of sports and games which can be built upon in KS2. It is our intention to develop a lifelong love of sport and physical activity in our young pupils and we pride ourselves on ensuring that all pupils have the provision and support they need to achieve any goals and aims they set for themselves.
As an infant school, one of our main aims is to ensure our pupils are equipped with the fundamental skills which they need for their physical development but so they have the opportunities to apply these skills in different sports and experiences. We have designed our curriculum to ensure that pupils access at least 3 areas of P.E. These include Gymnastics, Dance and Multi-skills / Games. The curriculum has been mapped out so pupils can build on these areas as they progress into each year group. We follow Complete P.E which provides in depth planning, resources, CPD and assessment tools.
Each area of P.E is taught in blocks of at least 6 lessons which are both progressive and engaging. We use Complete P.E as a planning tool to help all staff deliver P.E lessons which incorporate all the elements of a high quality P.E lesson. As part of staff CPD and experience for pupils, we employ a coach from Premier Sports who attends every Friday. Our curriculum is mapped to ensure all pupils in school are taught by the coach for at least one full term. The area of P.E the coach teaches depends on staff’s CPD requirements that year. In recent years, dance training was high on the agenda.
Pupils in KS1 access two 1 hour P.E lessons a week. Pupils in F2 access one P.E lesson each week but staff plan to ensure their outdoor provision allows pupils to develop their fine and gross motor skills. Pupils are encouraged to learn skills in the outdoor areas such a climbing, running and dodging obstacles, throwing, kicking, catching, riding a bike with control: the opportunities are endless.
Additionally, pupils in Y2 also receive 7 weeks of swimming lessons taught by NCC school swimming services. Pupils gain so much from these sessions and historically all pupils have demonstrated fantastic progress.
Additional to our main curriculum map, pupils also have the opportunity to gain skills and knowledge through exciting sporting activities including cultural dances, yoga, boccia, judo, archery, and even fencing!
Pupils at Butler’s Hill have opportunities to be active for a minimum of 30 minutes per day, which according to the DfE is the recommended time for pupils. This is extended to 60 physical minutes for the hours out of school. Therefore pupils are encouraged to be active out of P.E curriculum time and staff plan in opportunities for pupils through handwriting (dough disco), active warms up for English and Maths, music sessions, brain breaks as well as active playtimes and lunchtimes. Opportunities for pupils to apply skills learnt in their lessons are available at playtimes. Each day in the ‘active zone’ a member of staff leads an activity e.g hockey skills, basketball, competitive skipping etc. This is also extended to lunchtimes with the element of ‘play leaders’ who are there to select equipment.
Currently, pupils are assessed after each unit and tracked on Insight. Pupils who are identified as falling behind are assessed and carefully monitored. Support is put in place for them, included targeted intervention time, afterschool clubs, or support in lesson time.
To extend this love of physical activity in our pupils we provide at least 2 afterschool clubs each week. Pupils can benefit from dance, gymnastics, football, archery, boccia, and table tennis**. Our afterschool clubs always have a high uptake so we are currently looking at ways to extend this.
**These do not all take place at the same time, rather throughout the year.
The P.E provision at Butler’s Hill is well planned, exciting and allows all pupils to develop fundamental skills in this early stage of development. Careful monitoring and evaluation has shown that our pupils are physically active and this has a positive impact on their learning in the classroom.
The high quality approach to teaching should significantly improve attainment in PE and we find most our pupils leave our school with the skills they need to succeed in KS2. The impact of our provision and resources will increase the profile of sport and physical activity across the school. Physical Education at Butler’s Hill is held in high regard with our families and pupil/parent voice has demonstrated that P.E is well liked, well taught and enjoyed by most if not all. Pupils are beginning to understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of regular exercise. We aspire for pupils to develop their physical literacy skills so they have the motivation, confidence, physical competence and knowledge and understanding enjoy PE and develop a love of sport and activity for many years to come